15 Jan 2016
 | 15 Jan 2016
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal NHESS but the revision was not accepted.

Dynamic variability examination of Mediterranean frontogenesis: teleconnection of fronts and flood 2010

B. A. Munir, H. A. Imran, and I. Ashraf

Abstract. An improved scheme for the detection of Mediterranean frontal activities is proposed, based on the identification of cloud pattern, thermal gradient and water content of air masses using Meteosat-7 satellite imagery. Owing to highly variable nature of fronts, spatial shift occurring over 1.5 years are analyzed. Full disc imagery of Meteosat-7 satellite is used for the analysis over vast geographical distribution of Eurasia. The study examined the fundamental characteristics of fronts and effects associated with Mediterranean fronts with the analysis for the flood event of 2010 in Pakistan. The results show seasonal as well as annual change in the range of lower and upper latitudinal limits of frontogenesis. Seasons of winter 2011 shows an increase in speed whereas a decrease is observed in summer. The identification process has shown a frontal span over northern areas of Pakistan during flood event of 2010 accentuating the monsoonal rainfall intensity all over the country. The result of this analysis can be used to estimate the behavior of the mid-latitudes global circulations. The anticipated outcome of this research study is the identification of abrupt nature of frontal processes.

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B. A. Munir, H. A. Imran, and I. Ashraf
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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B. A. Munir, H. A. Imran, and I. Ashraf
B. A. Munir, H. A. Imran, and I. Ashraf


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Short summary
The meteorological phenomena are now a days changing their behavior as they do in the past. Among these phenomenon, fronts are most important. Meteorological fronts are directly related to the extreme weather generation over a huge geographical extent. The research shows that during a period of 1.5 years, these phenomenon show a hasty behavior with an upper latitudinal shift. However, these process shows their persistent existence in the mid-latitudes.