21 Oct 2015
 | 21 Oct 2015
Status: this discussion paper is a preprint. It has been under review for the journal Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (NHESS). The manuscript was not accepted for further review after discussion.

Approaches for delineating landslide hazard areas using receiver operating characteristic in an advanced calibrating precision soil erosion model

P. T. Ghazvinei, J. Zandi, J. Ariffin, R. B. Hashim, S. Motamedi, N. Aghamohammadi, and D. A. Moghaddam

Abstract. Soil erosion is undesirable natural event that causes land degradation and desertification. Identify the erosion-prone areas is a major component of preventive measures. Recent landslide damages at different regions lead us to develop a model of the erosion susceptibility map using empirical method (RUSLE). A landslide-location map was established by interpreting satellite image. Field observation data was used to validate the intensity of soil erosion. Further, a correlation analysis was conducted to investigate the "Receiver Operating Characteristic" and frequency ratio. Results showed a satisfactory correlation between the prepared RUSLE-based soil erosion map and actual landslide distribution. The proposed model can effectively predict the landslide events in soil-erosion area. Such a reliable predictive model is an effective management facility for the regional landslide forecasting system.

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P. T. Ghazvinei, J. Zandi, J. Ariffin, R. B. Hashim, S. Motamedi, N. Aghamohammadi, and D. A. Moghaddam
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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P. T. Ghazvinei, J. Zandi, J. Ariffin, R. B. Hashim, S. Motamedi, N. Aghamohammadi, and D. A. Moghaddam
P. T. Ghazvinei, J. Zandi, J. Ariffin, R. B. Hashim, S. Motamedi, N. Aghamohammadi, and D. A. Moghaddam


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Short summary
Correlation analysis was conducted to investigate the “Receiver Operating Characteristic” and frequency ratio. Results showed a satisfactory correlation between the prepared RUSLE-based soil erosion map and actual landslide distribution. The proposed model can effectively predict the landslide events in soil-erosion area. Such a reliable predictive model is an effective management facility for the regional landslide forecasting system.