22 Dec 2014
 | 22 Dec 2014
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal NHESS but the revision was not accepted.

Earthquake-induced deformation estimation of earth dam by multitemporal SAR interferometry: the Mornos Dam case (Central Greece)

S. Neokosmidis, P. Elias, I. Parcharidis, and P. Briole

Abstract. The scope of this paper concerns the investigation of Mornos earth Dam (Central Greece) deformation induced by major earthquake events occur in the broader area. For this purpose multitemporal SAR interferometry method was used. Specifically, the technique of Differential Interferometry SBAS and for the time series analysis the Singular Value Decomposition algorithm were applied. The data used were ascending and descending acquisitions of AMI / ERS-1 & 2 and ASAR / ENVISAT scenes covering the period 1993–2010. Five very strong seismic events with epicenters close to the dam, at the same period, were consider as potential sources of deformation. Lake level changes were also considered as an additional factor of induced deformation. Results show a maximum deformation rate of 10 cm along the line of sight for the whole period. Although the observed deformation appears to be due to changes in water level following a particular pattern, there are discontinuous over time which coincide with specific seismic events.

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S. Neokosmidis, P. Elias, I. Parcharidis, and P. Briole
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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S. Neokosmidis, P. Elias, I. Parcharidis, and P. Briole
S. Neokosmidis, P. Elias, I. Parcharidis, and P. Briole


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