18 Nov 2014
 | 18 Nov 2014
Status: this preprint has been withdrawn by the authors.

Brief Communication: Freaque wave occurrences in 2013

P. C. Liu

Abstract. Documenting freaque waves when they occured around the globe in 2013 is based here on news reports on the internet. It was found that there were a total 22 cases of freaque waves in 2013, based on those reported in clearly-defined physically specific environments. There were three cases in the deep ocean, six in nearshore areas, seven on sandy beaches, and seven on rocky shore areas. Note that most of the academic research has been on freaque waves in the deep ocean, which accounts for 13% of all occurrences. The majority of reported occurrences, 87%, are in the nearshore areas or along the beach area. Geographically, these cases are also fairly evenly spread around the globe. As of now, there is no general knowledge regarding the frequency of occurrence of these freaque waves, so that one may assume that 2013 was a customary year for freaque wave occurrences.

This preprint has been withdrawn.

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P. C. Liu

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Interactive discussion

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P. C. Liu
P. C. Liu


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Short summary
This paper presents a compilation of freaque waves happenings in 2013 based on informations available mainly on the internet search engine. All the data were confined to the year 2013 only.