Articles | Volume 17, issue 8
Research article
04 Aug 2017
Research article |  | 04 Aug 2017

Storm-wave trends in Mexican waters of the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea

Elena Ojeda, Christian M. Appendini, and E. Tonatiuh Mendoza

Abstract. Thirty-year time series of hindcast wave data were analysed for 10 coastal locations along the eastern Mexican coast to obtain information about storm events occurring in the region, with the goal of examining the possible presence of interannual trends in the number of storm-wave events and their main features (wave height, duration and energy content). The storms were defined according to their significant wave height and duration, and the events were classified as related to either tropical cyclones or Norte events. The occurrence and characteristics of both types of events were analysed independently. There is no statistically significant change in the number of storm-wave events related to Nortes or their characteristics during the study period. However, there is a subtle increase in the number of events related to tropical cyclones in the western Caribbean region and a more evident increase in wave height and energy content of these events.

Short summary
Time series of hindcast wave data on the eastern Mexican coast were analysed. The goal was to examine the presence of interannual trends in the number or the main features of wave storm events. Storms were classified as related to tropical cyclones or Norte events. There is no significant change in the events related to Nortes during the study period. However, there are subtle increases in the number, wave height and energy content of events related to tropical cyclones in the western Caribbean.
Final-revised paper