Articles | Volume 11, issue 1
Research article
05 Jan 2011
Research article |  | 05 Jan 2011

The development and implementation of a real-time meteotsunami warning network for the Adriatic Sea

J. Šepić and I. Vilibić

Abstract. The Adriatic Sea meteotsunami research and warning network is described. The network is located in the middle Adriatic, an area where the most destructive of the Adriatic meteotsunamis (destructive tsunami-like sea level oscillations generated by air pressure oscillations) occur. The network consists of three microbarograph meteorological stations, and is supplemented by four permanent tide-gauge stations. The two strongest air pressure disturbances, detected in almost a year and a half of measurements, are examined in more detail and used to test functionality and applicability of the network. Both of these disturbances had a meteotsunami favourable velocity, however, only one generated a meteotsunami. It is discussed why this happened and additional information on creating a meteotsunami warning system are obtained. Methods to construct a simple low-cost meteotsunami warning network are given.
