29 Jul 2024
 | 29 Jul 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal NHESS.

Comparative Analysis of μ (I) and Voellmy-Type Grain Flow Rheologies in Geophysical Mass Flows: Insights from Theoretical and Real Case Studies

Yu Zhuang, Brian W. McArdell, and Perry Bartelt

Abstract. The experimental-based μ(I) rheology is now prevalent to describe the movement of gravitational mass flows. Here, we reformulate μ(I) rheology as a Voellmy-type relationship to illustrate its physical implications. Through one-dimensional block modeling and a real case study, we explore the equivalence between μ(I) and widely-used Voellmy-type grain flow rheologies. Results indicate that μ(I) rheology utilizes a dimensionless inertial number to mimic contributions of granular temperature/fluctuation energy. In terms of Voellmy, the μ(I) rheolgy contains a velocity-dependent turbulent friction coefficient modelling shear thinning behavior. This turbulent friction assumes the production and decay of fluctuation energy are in balance, exhibiting no difference during accelerative and dipositional phases. The constant Coulomb friction coefficient prevents μ(I) rheology from accurately modeling the dispositional characteristics of actual mass flows. Our results highlight the strengths and limitations of both μ(I) and Voellmy rheologies, bolstering the theoretical foundation of mass flow modeling while revealing practical engineering challenges.

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Yu Zhuang, Brian W. McArdell, and Perry Bartelt

Status: open (until 18 Sep 2024)

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  • RC1: 'Comment on nhess-2024-87', Anonymous Referee #1, 31 Aug 2024 reply
Yu Zhuang, Brian W. McArdell, and Perry Bartelt
Yu Zhuang, Brian W. McArdell, and Perry Bartelt


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Short summary
This study reformulates the μ(I) rheology into a Voellmy-type relationship to elucidate its physical implications. The μ(I) rheology, incorporating a dimensionless inertial number, mimics granular temperature effects, reflecting shear thinning behavior of mass flows. However, its constant Coulomb friction coefficient limits accuracy in modeling deposition. Comparing μ(I) with Voellmy-type rheologies reveals strengths and limitations, enhancing mass flow modeling and engineering applications.