26 Aug 2024
 | 26 Aug 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal NHESS.

The grid-level fixed asset model developed for China from 1951 to 2020

Danhua Xin, James Edward Daniell, Zhenguo Zhang, Friedemann Wenzel, Shaun Shuxun Wang, and Xiaofei Chen

Abstract. To better aid the quick and accurate assessment of economic loss after the occurrence of future damaging earthquakes, we develop a grid-level fixed asset model for China covering the period from 1951 to 2020. The modelling process can be divided into two stages: (1) the compilation of provincial-level fixed asset data series using the perpetual inventory method (PIM) and fixed assets-related statistics; (2) the disaggregation of provincial-level fixed assets into grid-level (1 km × 1 km resolution) using different combinations of remote sensing ancillary data (i.e., nighttime light, built-up surface area, population) for different periods, considering their temporal availability. As of 2020, the total estimated value of fixed assets in China reaches 589.31 trillion Chinese yuan (in the 2020 price level). Consistency checks have been performed by comparing our modelled fixed assets with those from other studies and data sources at different administrative levels, and good consistency has been achieved. The modelled grid-level fixed asset maps from 1951 to 2020 will be publicly accessible and can be conveniently extended to more recent years as new statistics on fixed assets become available in the future.

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Danhua Xin, James Edward Daniell, Zhenguo Zhang, Friedemann Wenzel, Shaun Shuxun Wang, and Xiaofei Chen

Status: open (until 07 Oct 2024)

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Danhua Xin, James Edward Daniell, Zhenguo Zhang, Friedemann Wenzel, Shaun Shuxun Wang, and Xiaofei Chen

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The grid-level fixed asset model developed for China from 1951 to 2020 Danhua Xin, James Edward Daniell, Zhenguo Zhang, Friedemann Wenzel, Shaun Shuxun Wang, and Xiaofei Chen

Danhua Xin, James Edward Daniell, Zhenguo Zhang, Friedemann Wenzel, Shaun Shuxun Wang, and Xiaofei Chen


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Short summary
A high-resolution fixed asset model can help improve the accuracy of earthquake loss assessment. We develop a grid-level fixed asset model for China from 1951 to 2020. We first compile the provincial-level fixed asset from yearbook-related statistics. Then, this dataset is disaggregated into 1 km*1 km grids by using multiple remote sensing data as the weight indicator. We find that fixed asset value increased rapidly after the 1980s and reached 589.31 trillion Chinese yuan in 2020.