30 Sep 2024
 | 30 Sep 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal NHESS.

Brief Communication: Bridging the data gap – enhancing the representation of global coastal flood protection

Nicole van Maanen, Joël J.-F. G. De Plaen, Timothy Tiggeloven, Maria Luisa Colmenares, Philip J. Ward, Paolo Scussolini, and Elco Koks

Abstract. Understanding coastal flood protection is crucial for assessing risks from natural hazards and climate change. However, there is a significant lack of quantitative data on coastal flood protection and their standards. FLOPROS, currently the only global database of flood protection standards, relies on limited coastal observations and simplified assumptions. Despite these limitations, it is widely used by the research community, leading to potential uncertainties in impact estimates. We propose that a new community-driven effort is needed to develop a more complete dataset, and we present COASTPROS-EU, a dataset compiling coastal flood protection standards within Europe. This effort further highlights the urgent need for enhanced information. Establishing an accurate dataset requires using both bottom-up and top-down approaches and ensuring diverse societal representation.

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Nicole van Maanen, Joël J.-F. G. De Plaen, Timothy Tiggeloven, Maria Luisa Colmenares, Philip J. Ward, Paolo Scussolini, and Elco Koks

Status: open (until 11 Nov 2024)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
Nicole van Maanen, Joël J.-F. G. De Plaen, Timothy Tiggeloven, Maria Luisa Colmenares, Philip J. Ward, Paolo Scussolini, and Elco Koks
Nicole van Maanen, Joël J.-F. G. De Plaen, Timothy Tiggeloven, Maria Luisa Colmenares, Philip J. Ward, Paolo Scussolini, and Elco Koks


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Short summary
Understanding coastal flood protection is vital for assessing risks from natural disasters and climate change. However, current global data on coastal flood protection is limited and based on simplified assumptions, leading to potential uncertainties in risk estimates. As a step in this direction, we propose a comprehensive dataset, COASTPROS-EU, which compiles coastal flood protection standards in Europe.